Day Sixteen

It’s a bit hard to see in this pic but I wore my dress hiking in Shenandoah today! Definitely a new look for me but it was nice to have an extra layer in the chilly morning breeze.

The afternoon got up to 70*F. Hiking up and down switchbacks and taking water samples in a dress was not working for me. It was the extra flouncy fabric of my skirt that both got in the way and retained A LOT of heat. A lighter dress that wasn’t black would have made it through my day!

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the massive scope of human impact on our planet. It’s hard to stop and fully appreciate nature when I know I could be doing more work to save.
I guess I’l just dance to this song and celebrate the irony. Everything can be going wrong but we can still be happy!

Make sure to spend some time outside. It’s so good for the soul ❤

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