Where did this idea come from?

Back in 2016, a few friends and I adapted this concept from our high school classmate Claire (check out her blog here) who borrowed her concept from the October Dress Project.

Do you wash the dress?

Yes! Wearing the same dress without washing it for a month would be gross. The “sustainable” part of sustainable fashion isn’t about not using a washing machine, it’s about extending the possibilities of the clothes we already have and seeking out durable, responsibly made clothes whenever possible.

How did you choose your dress?

Grace: I pulled a dark blue Doc Martin dress out from a drawer at my parents’ house! This dress was a hand-me-down from 2021 DP participant Emma. It’s a loose T-shirt dress with decorative sleeves that will easily tie off or tuck into pants, perfect for running around at the studio!

Click here to read answers from previous years!

Do you have to wear the dress all the time?

We make an effort to wear my whenever possible; however, we won’t wear it to bed or while working out.

Will you be repeating outfits?

Nope! We love the creativity involved, and it’s a great excuse to be bold with our outfit choices.

What does sponsoring the Dress Project mean?

When you sponsor the Dress Project, you’re making a donation to our chosen organization (currently The National Alliance on Mental Illness aka NAMI) through our project.

How can I sponsor?

The best way to donate is directly through our the official Dress Project Fundraising page on NAMI’s website. You can also donate cash/change if we see each other in person. Any amount is welcome, and I’ll be offering alternative/additional ways to participate and contribute throughout the project.